5 Tips For Using Gestures To Help A Child’s Speech

Everyone uses gestures, and they are one of the key ways in which humans communicate, not only with each other, but with other animals, plus they serve another purpose which is as a tool used by speech therapists. The beauty of gestures is that everyone can make them, they are simple, and that is why parents of children with language difficulties are encouraged to use them to help that child.

This follows from the fact that not all speech and language support and therapies come in the form of spoken words. Children learn language and communication skills in several non-verbal ways which include looking at images, watching videos or movies, and watching the gestures that others make.

What Are Gestures?

It might seem like a simple question because everyone should know what gestures are, given that they make them themselves as well as understand the gestures that others make. However, ask anyone to define gestures and you will get a variety of answers. The simplest we can think of is that gestures are a physical means of communicating messages.

As for what constitutes those physical means we have to differentiate the several ways we can use our body to communicate nonverbally. These can include facial expressions and eye movements, however, in the strictest sense speech pathologists would not define these as gestures.

What’s causing your IBS?

We have all heard of IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It tends to be diagnosed when no other reason can be found for the symptoms that are occurring. The most common symptoms being bloating, pain, swinging bowel movements, uncomfortable feelings after eating and even fatigue. People experience a range of diverse symptoms which can be attributed to IBS.

Many people who have IBS-like symptoms may find they are caused by food intolerance.

Many of these symptoms can be greatly reduced and even eliminated by identifying the food intolerance culprits for that individual. Big attackers like gluten and dairy are not always the cause and avoiding these foods is a blanket fix which does not suit everyone. Have you tried cutting one or both of these out, only to find your symptom picture stay the same or even become worse? What if you swapped cow milk products over to almond milk and were intolerant to almonds in the first place? Your symptoms would certainly worsen.

It is also important to consider if there is enough good bacteria in your tummy; if there are adequate digestive enzymes to break down the food so it does not sit and ferment and cause bloating; and why food is stagnating in your stomach and not being digested and moved through as it should. If this is occurring it is unlikely you will be getting all the nutrients out of your food, making you tired, irritable and with possible vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

7 Risks To Your Health That Only Effective Carpet Cleaning Can Eradicate

At home there are actions you can take to ensure that you remain healthy such as eating the right foods and exercising, but have you ever considered that carpet cleaners might also help you maintain good health? What we are not talking about here is the physical effort required to use your vacuum cleaner, although we cannot deny that it will indeed help you burn off a few calories.

Instead, what we are referring to when we say that carpet cleaning can help you maintain good health is that it will remove many undesirables that all have several things in common, and one above all is that they can be harmful to your health. Add to that the fact they are also all minute and in some cases so small that they cannot be seen by the human eye, it then follows that many of these nasties will be in your carpets, and you will not even know they are there.

Whether visible or not, they most certainly are in your carpets, but the good news is you can get rid of them with effective carpet cleaning. As to what they are, we have summarised them under seven headings below so that you know that the next time you vacuum or hire a professional carpet cleaning company you know what health risks are being eradicated.

How To Ensure Your Carpets Are Not Health Hazards

Whilst many people will arrange for professional carpet cleaners to ensure that their carpets remain looking good for as long as possible, there are other essential reasons why carpet cleaning is so important. One of those reasons is to ensure that the carpets you and your family walk on each day do not present health hazards for each of you.

Now, some of you might think the only health hazards a carpet might present are carpet burns and excruciating pain if you do not wear footwear, you stand on something sharp lurking within the carpet’s fibers. As undesirable as those two are, and also pointing out that regular vacuuming will ensure the aforementioned sharp objects are removed, there are, in fact, numerous other health hazards that an unclean carpet can create.

These health hazards stem from the many undesirable nasties within carpets. That list includes but is not limited to bacteria, mold, pollen, dust mites, mildew, germs, and fleas. These, and the other microscopic unwelcome guests, can cause allergies, hay fever, respiratory problems, and, worst cases, infections. So, if you want to avoid any and all of these and thus ensure your carpets are not health hazards,  here is how to do so.

The Vital Roles Of Balance And Coordination When Axe Throwing

The Vital Roles Of Balance And Coordination When Axe Throwing

Name any sport or physical activity, and it is almost certain that balance and coordination play a crucial role in them, and that is certainly the case with axe throwing. Whilst axe throwing requires several physical attributes to be present if the person throwing the axe is to score well, it is their balance and coordination which underpin everything else.

Those unfamiliar with axe throwing might question this and put forward the argument that surely strength is most important, given the weight of the axe and the effort required to throw it. Whilst strength is indeed an important factor in axe throwing, the point is,  even the strongest person in the room will not hit the target if they are off balance and uncoordinated when they throw.

To explain this further we are going to look separately at both balance and coordination and then outline some suggestions for improving both of them to help you throw an axe more accurately which will hopefully allow you to win more axe throwing matches or even competitions.

Saying Goodbye: Why Funerals Really Matter

Simplicity in Farewells: The Essence and Importance of Funerals

In life’s journey, farewells are an inevitable chapter, and funerals play a pivotal role. Embracing simplicity in these moments resonates with many. When it comes to goodbyes, simplicity often speaks volumes. This straightforward and affordable approach is crucial, yet even the simplest ceremony offers closure. As detailed in Psychology Today, funerals hold psychological importance, aiding in the grieving process and community support.

The Living’s Tribute: A Funeral’s True Purpose

Funerals serve the living, a concept echoed across cultures. They signify our need to acknowledge the departed’s impact and ensure respectful remembrance. The Smithsonian Magazine offers insights into how various cultures approach mourning, highlighting the universal need for these rituals. We must say our goodbyes, go through the motions of grief, be there for one another, and somehow find a way to cope. It’s easy to underestimate how much a funeral can mean to us.

Silkwoodfunerals.com.au reminds us that when someone passes away, the funeral isn’t really for them – it’s about them. It’s a collective moment for everyone who knew, loved, and connected with that person. It’s a shared time to remember.

And for those who cringe at the word ‘funeral,’ no worries. Call it whatever feels right – a gathering, a tribute, a farewell, a ceremony, a send-off or maybe just a get-together.

10 Important Health Benefits Of Having Your Carpets Cleaned by Professionals

Many people clean their homes to make them more presentable, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, another reason for cleaning is the health benefits of doing so, and that is especially the case with carpet cleaning. Since debris from shoes, food particles, and spillages, plus skin, dander, and hair from pets and humans, can all find their way into the fibres of carpets, it is not difficult to see how health hazards could be present.

Thankfully, there is a way any of the potential health hazards that exist in carpets can be eradicated, and that is with regular carpet cleaning, which can range from daily vacuuming to frequent visits by professional carpet cleaners to give the carpets the deep and thorough carpet cleaning they need.

Advised by gleamcleanwa, here are ten health benefits of having your carpets professionally cleaned that we are sure you will consider when arranging professional carpet cleaning for your home.

What are the best plant proteins for your body?

It’s often believed that only a diet rich in animal products will give you the best protein your body needs. However, a diet rich in plant-based proteins can provide you with all the protein you need.

But wait! Before you go & buy ten bunches of kale, it’s essential to know the type of protein which is in each plant & if it’s the type our bodies need the most.

Did you know that proteins are made up of combinations of amino acids? Amino acids are organic compounds that form the building blocks of life & are essential to all our biological functions. There are 20 amino acids in our body’s protein, 9 of which are termed ‘essential’ as our bodies cannot produce them & we need them in our diet. For a food to be considered a ‘complete’ protein, it must contain all 9 of these essential amino acids, roughly in the same amount – Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, and Valine.

How to Manage Your Mental Health During the Home Loan Process

How to Manage Your Mental Health During the Home Loan Process

Managing your mental health can be challenging enough at the best of times, but then you throw home loan management into the mix, and you’ve got to get extra creative with how you manage your stress levels.

From seeing experts like financial planners to spending time meditating, here are six ways to manage your mental health during the home loan process.

Rely On Experts

Going through the home loan process for debt consolidation, residential loans, investment loans, or another type can be daunting. You may find yourself in an unfamiliar situation, which is why it makes sense to surround yourself with experts.

Financial advisors can be one of your first ports of call but don’t rule out therapists, counsellors, and budgeting advice gurus to ensure you’re in the best possible position to manage your mental health and stress levels throughout the home loan process.

How to use coconut oil on the body

How to use coconut oil on the body

It’s natural, pure and inexpensive. Coconut oil is a simple alternative to chemical laden skin care products which can cost half your weekly wage! Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which help to eliminate moisture loss through the pores on skin. Three of the fatty acids – capric, caprylic and lauric acid – have strong disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. When applied to the skin, coconut oil protects the skin from microbial infections that can enter the body through the pores. Coconut oil is rich in many proteins which keep the skin healthy and rejuvenated. Proteins contribute to cellular health and tissue repair. It also contains a small amount of Vitamin E which is essential for healthy skin growth, repair and keeping skin smooth whilst protecting against cracking.

Bullying Affect My Mental Health

How Can Bullying Affect My Mental Health

For many, workplace bullying and harassment are normal, day-to-day problems. Unfortunately, all forms of harassment can have major impacts on your mental health, leading to illnesses such as depression and anxiety, along with various emotional and self-confidence problems.

Because of this, it’s important to address any bullying or harassment issues as soon as they become apparent. Start by speaking with the perpetrator and explaining how their actions are affecting your health. If they won’t listen, take your concerns, along with any evidence and/or witnesses you have, to your employer. Failing action from the people in charge, you should seek legal advice with the aim of building a workplace harassment case.

However, all forms of bullying the workplace can take a significant toll on your mental health. In the rest of this article, we’ve outlined some of the main problems you should be aware of, along with their tell-tale signs and symptoms.


Excessive anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses caused by bullying. If not treated properly, it can lead to severe disruptions in your daily life, especially with respect to having the confidence to get out and do things.

Fortunately, there are plenty of strategies for overcoming anxiety. Different relaxation exercises – including meditation – have been proven to work. At the same time, just getting outside and spending time alone in nature can work wonders.

How to Notice a Functioning Alcoholic

How to Notice a Functioning Alcoholic

Ask anyone who has entered a drug rehab facility, and they will tell you that they feature people from all walks of life. While you might have an idea in your head of what an alcohol abuser looks like, there is no single feature that defines them.

In fact, even as you walk down a city street, you could be surrounded by people with alcohol use disorder (AUD) who seem to function just fine. So, what is a functioning alcoholic, and how do you notice one?

What is a Functioning Alcoholic?

A high-functioning or functional alcoholic is not a medical diagnosis, but it’s a term that some people use to describe someone who can function in society while also being dependent on alcohol.

They may be able to balance their home life, work life, and responsibilities, and they even appear healthy, both mentally and physically. These are definitely not people you may think could benefit from a drug rehab facility.

However, underneath the surface, someone with AUD is fighting intense cravings for alcohol, and are wondering about when they can have their next drink. They may not share their problem with others, but it’s always there in the background.

Spouse Needs Rehab

Ways to Know Your Spouse Needs Rehab 

Living with someone with a drug addiction can put you in a better position to establish that they might need to go into drug rehab. In saying that, living with someone doesn’t mean it’s easier to spot that they have an addiction.

Addicts can be the masters of hiding their problems, and that’s why it’s essential to be aware of any signs of drug or alcohol problems that can require intervention. Read on to find out ways to know your loved one might need drug rehab.

They Are Trying to Hide their Addiction

The last thing your spouse wants to do is hurt you, so hiding addiction is a classic sign that they might require a rehab facility – or at least some professional help. You may notice bottles of alcohol hidden around the house or multiple prescription bottles from various doctors.

Some people also noted that their loved ones would come home smelling like alcohol, only for them to deny having had anything to drink. Those with drug problems can hide an addiction successfully, so it pays to look for signs if you suspect a problem.

7 Undesirables That May Be Lurking In Your Home’s Carpets and Couches

7 Undesirables That May Be Lurking In Your Home’s Carpets and Couches

There are many times when carpet cleaning takes place that you will be able to visibly see what difference it has made, which is also the case if, instead of cleaning carpets yourself, you hire a professional carpet cleaning company or couch cleaners to clean them for you. A prime example of this will be when an obvious stain, such as one created by red wine, is removed.

However, it is also the case that many of the benefits of carpet and couch cleaning are not so obvious. What we are referring to is the fact that many of the undesirables that are removed or eradicated each time your carpet/couches are cleaned properly are so small, that they are not visible to the naked eye. Instead, only a microscope would enable you to see them.

The problem this creates in many homes is that carpets are not cleaned regularly because the respective homeowners do not see any reason to clean them as they erroneously think the carpet is already clean. However, were they to be shown what was lurking within the fibres of their carpets, they would be speed dialling the nearest carpet cleaning experts within seconds. As to what those near-invisible undesirables might be, here are seven of the most common.

Bullying Affect My Mental Health

5 Ways Removalists Can Promote The Mental Health Of Their Workforce

One thing that has become apparent over the past few years is many people, including those in employment, suffer from mental health problems. This applies to those working within the removalists industry as it does any other business sector. Now, when the words “mental health” are used, there are those who assume it means some kind of severe mental ailment that a person has been born with, however, nothing could be further from the truth.

Mental health problems can be short, medium, or long term, and they can be related to a single issue or several. The other crucially important aspect of mental health is that the vast majority of issues often have no visible symptoms. In other words, unlike physical issues such as a broken arm in a sling which is clearly visible, someone suffering from anxiety, depression, a phobia, or any other mental health problem, may outwardly appear to be perfectly healthy.

This is why employers, including yourself if you own a removalists business such as Brilliance Removalists Melbourne, need to ensure that structures are in place that can help promote employees’ mental health. Anything you do to implement this goal which costs money, should not be seen as a cost, but instead an investment in your employees, and as such an investment in your business. Here are 5 ways these aims can be achieved.

7 Top Tips For Designing A Tropical Themed Landscape Garden

If you are a homeowner thinking about hiring landscapers to transform your garden, you should know that you have lots of choices to make. Apart from choosing the landscaping business that you will employ to design and install your new landscaped garden, you also have decisions concerning what theme, and subsequently which plants and features you want to include.

You may have no ideas and are open to suggestions, or one of the many homeowners who already know that they want a tropical-themed garden. These are hugely popular, and with the climate most of Australia has, it is feasible to see a tropical landscaped garden become a reality adjacent to your home. Whether you have already, or may do so after giving the matter some thought, here are seven tips for designing a tropical-themed landscape garden.

Look For Existing Tropical-Themed Gardens: By doing some research with local landscapers you may ascertain where there are landscaped gardens in your area that have tropical themes. As such, reach out to the homeowners and ask if you might be allowed to visit them to look for some inspiration.

5 Ways To Create A Sensory Landscaping Design For Those With Visual Impairments

5 Ways To Create A Sensory Landscaping Design For Those With Visual Impairments

One of the biggest benefits of having a professional landscaping design in your garden is that it creates multiple man-made and natural features, which form several stunning visual delights. As appealing as that might be, that same benefit is not always experienced by all. We are talking here about those who have visual impairments and in the most unfortunate instances, those who are blind.

For all of these people, sadly, no matter how stunningly beautiful a garden might be thanks to its landscaping design, their visual impairments mean that they may never have the opportunity to see those wondrous sights in full. That does not mean that they can never enjoy a landscaped garden, because their other senses such as touch, sound, taste, and smell, can provide them with an array of positive experiences.

This ultimately leads to the determination of how landscaping services can create the perfect landscaping design that is suited to those with visual impartments. Continue reading and we will provide you with five ways of creating a sensory landscaping design which means that, even if a person’s sight is impaired, their enjoyment of that garden can be enhanced with the help of their other senses.

Sound: Creating a landscaping design that can generate several sounds for someone to enjoy can be achieved by including various features. One example is wind chimes in various locations so that the person can identify where they are in their garden. Another is to include one or more water features where they can enjoy the soothing sounds of water flowing. You could also ensure that wildlife is encouraged and thus animal and bird sounds can be enjoyed.

Why Family Lawyers Often Have To Advise Their Divorce Clients On Pet Custody

Why Family Lawyers Often Have To Advise Their Divorce Clients On Pet Custody

For most family lawyers the areas upon which they would normally need to advise a client who is going through a divorce include arrangements for their children and property settlements so that there is a fair and equitable share. These are likely to occur in just about every divorce case they undertake, especially those where the divorcing couple has children.

What is not so common, but which can create the need for as much time and effort as any of the normal elements a divorce is what happens to any family pets that the couple has. Now, in many cases, the couple is able to agree on everything relating to their divorce including who retains ‘custody’ of their pet. They may even include a clause that allows the pet to spend time at each of their homes.

However, when an agreement cannot be reached, that is often when a family lawyer from www.culshawmiller.com.au may need to work a little bit harder. That is not to suggest they do not work hard when pets are not involved, but the attachment that a couple has to their pet, and the realisation that they are going to lose that pet to their ex-partner or spouse can often make a person throw all reason out of the window.

10 Most Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Dental implants have been around for over 30 years, however, they are a dental treatment many people are either unaware of or are not completely sure what they are. As result, many questions are asked about dental implants, and so we thought it would be helpful to list them, and more importantly, answer them too.

#1 What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are used as substitute prosthetic teeth to replace missing, broken, damaged, or badly decaying teeth. The three main parts are the implant screws, which are embedded in the patient’s jawbone, the arch or crown, which are the ‘teeth’, and the abutment which connects the two other parts.

Why Effective Website Design Means Visitors Stay Longer On Your Psychology Business Website

Why Effective Website Design Means Visitors Stay Longer On Your Psychology Business Website

If your psychology business has a website, have you ever taken time to consider how well it is performing or if it is helping your business as much as it should. The reason these questions are important is that according to the expert web designers your Google ranking is highly influenced by how visitors interact with your website.

In addition, conversions on your website, which can include prospects leaving their details, them making a call to book an appointment, or them purchasing a product you sell, such as books and courses, will all be impacted by the design of your website.

One of the key measures which will affect all of the above, either positively or negatively, will be the length of time a visitor spends on your website. If they remain for a reasonable length of time, then that is good news, but, if they leave almost immediately, it is bad news and suggests that something is not right with your website’s design.

The first concern if visitors are leaving quickly is for your ranking on search engines, especially Google. One of Google’s key goals is to ensure that the search results they generate provide those searching with websites they are happy with. The term ‘user experience’ is often used by Google to identify this.

Best Side Dishes for Entertaining

Best Side Dishes for Entertaining

Food is a necessity of life, but it’s also something you can get creative with for entertaining loved ones. Some people don’t like inviting people over for meals because they don’t feel they can get creative with recipes. Fortunately, it’s a lot easier than you might think. Head to the supermarket for wine and ingredients, and consider these standout side dishes below.

Honey Glazed Carrots

While you could roast carrots on their own and let their flavours speak for themselves, there’s no harm in upgrading them a little. Melt butter, honey, garlic powder, and rosemary together and drizzle it over your carrot sticks on a baking tray. Roast until they are beautifully glazed and caramelised.

Lemon and Herb Couscous

Couscous makes a delicious side dish, but it’s often forgotten about. This easy-to-prepare dish is bound to become a family favourite. Rinse your couscous under cold water, then bring chicken broth to the boil before adding your couscous.

Cover the pot with a lid and remove it from the heat. Let it sit for ten minutes and fluff it with a fork. You can then add flavours of your choice once it’s cooked, such as parsley, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.

Green Beans and Bacon

Who would have thought that green beans could be so exciting? It doesn’t matter what your main meal is – a roast or barbecued meat – you can create a side dish from bacon and green beans.

Does Your Gym Need Digital Marketing?

Does Your Gym Need Digital Marketing?

The fitness and leisure sectors are hugely competitive, and not just when it comes to sporting competition. As a gym owner, you may already have experienced business competition as you seek to acquire new members, and to help achieve that, the advice and SEO tools from marketing professionals at www.slinkydigital.com.au is, that if you want to compete genuinely, you need to have an effective digital marketing campaign in place.

Given that the internet is huge and there are multiple ways you can market online, it is understandable that many gym owners neither see how digital marketing can help them nor know where to start. The second part of that is relatively easy, and that is to contact a digital marketing agency that can plan and implement your campaign for you whilst you continue doing what you enjoy, which is managing your gym

Before you do that, you will obviously want to know some of the specific ways in which digital marketing can enhance your gym. Here are five of the top reasons why your gym will benefit from digital marketing.

It Will Put You In Front Of Your Target Audience

According to online marketing company SEO Perth Experts, one of the biggest marketing mistakes gym owners—or indeed any business owner—make is not targeting their marketing towards the correct audience. They often use a scattergun approach that means resources are wasted on targeting those who are not in the slightest bit interested in joining a gym.

Digital marketing done properly can pinpoint your target audience. Thus, the campaign is making the most of its resources, such as time and money, and it is also more successful as the marketing messages are being seen by genuine prospects.

How To Ensure Your Furniture Is Protected When Moving A Long Distance

How To Ensure Your Furniture Is Protected When Moving A Long Distance

Whilst the vast majority of house moves that Perth removalists undertake are considered local, with people moving within the same city or same state, they will occasionally have clients who are moving much further distances. These will be home moves that are to another state, and often that can mean a distance between the respective homes of over 2,000 miles, as is the case for someone moving from Perth to Melbourne.

Almost all removalists will have experience with these types of long-distance moves and will be able to facilitate them as one of the services that they offer. However, most homeowners are not in the habit of moving thousands of miles between homes, and so it can often be a time of increased stress and worry. What many of those worries will be about is how to safely move their furniture, including furniture that is worth a considerable amount, over such a large distance.

If you follow the advice of your removalists, then not only will your furniture be perfectly safe during the move, but everything else that you are taking with you will be as well. You might choose to use your removalists not only to supply you with all the packing materials you require but also to wrap and pack everything too. However, if you are using them purely for the transportation of your belongings, then here are some tips on ensuring your furniture all arrives safely.

Causes of Stutters

The Most Common Causes of Stutters, and What to do Next

Children as young as two years old can find themselves with an inability to speak smoothly and engage in fluent conversations. While no two-year-old has a full grasp on the English language, it can often be obvious, even at that age, that speech pathology from Speech Pathologists Perth, may be a requirement for those who have a particularly challenging time with it.

A speech pathologist can be quick to pick up on signs that you’ve been seeing in your own child – or that teachers and family members have. The repetition of sounds, sentences, and words, prolonged word pronunciation, and tense facial muscles during conversations can all be signs of stuttering and the need for speech pathology experts to step in.

How Do I Know If My Child Has a Stutter?

Problems with speech flow tend to be one of the more common signs of stuttering. Sentences may start fluid but may end in repetition. Or, your child may repeat sounds while forming words, such as, “W… wh… w… what”.  Stressful social situations can see these symptoms amplified.

What Causes Stuttering?

Even the most advanced speech pathology expert won’t be able to tell you why your child has a stutter. There is no single cause, but many things may contribute. A family history, speech motor control complications, medical conditions and brain injuries, emotional and mental health conditions, and intellectual disabilities can play a part.

Laser Eye Surgery

What Are the Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery?

In general, eye laser surgery is a very successful procedure used to correct a range of vision problems. For many people, it presents a great option for improving longsighted, shortsighted and astigmatism.

But, like any procedure, laser eye surgery has its risks. There are a range of possible side effects that you should be aware of before committing to it, especially if you already have underlying eye conditions.

Note that you should always speak with your surgeon about the possible side effects of your specific surgery. In this article we’ve explored some common problems that can occur, but everyone is different. As always, the following is meant for informational purposes only.

The possible side effects of laser eye surgery include:

Vision Problems

In rare cases, laser eye surgery can actually result in a range of long-term vision problems. Things like increased glare, halos and double vision can occur, especially at night or when around bright lights.

Similarly, you might find that you’re suffering from reduced vision in poor light conditions. This can make it difficult to drive at night or in foggy/misty conditions.

The good news is that these problems usually disappear within a few days or weeks. If they don’t you definitely need to speak with your surgeon at a follow-up appointment.